No one church can bring city transformation on its own, but together we can.
good work in silos
Churches and nonprofits are doing great things but we often operate in silos.
connect and build trust
For Richmond connects leaders to develop relationships and identify community needs.
support and equip
We then equip leaders with information and resources to address these needs.
collaborate for action
Finally, we collaborate on shared goals to do great things together.
The result?
A flourishing and transformed Richmond.
Focus Area Highlight: Foster Care
Since 2019, For Richmond has helped over 40 churches work together to address issues related to foster care, kinship placement, and adoption.
Currently, there are 462 children in foster care in Metro Richmond with over 95 young adults aging out of the system this year alone.
You don’t have to be a foster parent to help out.

89% of the youth who age out of foster care are addicted, incarcerated, homeless or pregnant
within 2 years.
Learn more about foster care →

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