Fall Foster Care Network Meetings


Our Foster Care & Adoption Networks in Richmond, Henrico, Hanover and Chesterfield now meet together on the third Wednesday of each month.

Our November 13th meeting location has been CHANGED. We will meet via Zoom from noon to 1 p..m. For Richmond’s Co-Director, Anna Shenk, will share about the importance of leveraging the network and accessing existing resources to help those we serve. We will also have our regular breakouts by locality for planning.

Each meeting includes time to connect with others serving in this space, a time of equipping with featured speakers, and breakouts by locality to plan our collaborative efforts. This format facilitates an increased sharing of resources and best practices for all involved and propel this crucial work of caring for vulnerable youth and families forward.

Each meeting is a great opportunity to invite those who are not currently involved in the network to learn more. Would you take a moment now to consider who you may want to invite? No pre-registration is required for this meeting.

The Zoom link for the meeting is:


Meeting ID: 873 6374 5529

Passcode: 795956


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