Our Networks

We develop networks of leaders to better connect Richmond. While, each one of us is unique, we are ultimately one in Christ.

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Our Networks

Relational unity leads to operational unity, which is why our foundation is built on a geographic and issue-specific network of church leaders. We begin with Pastor Networks which consist of senior church leaders because connecting the Body of Christ in Metro Richmond must start there. As our capacity grows, so will our networks. Currently we are updating how our networks operate but our are general networks are:

Richmond CityHanover CountyHenrico CountyChesterfield County

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Each pastor network incorporates:


Building relationships that bridge divides of denomination, race, generation,  and anything else that unnecessarily keeps us from working together.

Learning & Prayer

Learn about, discuss and pray for the needs of the region.


Once trust is built, collaboration can begin to work on the mission to transform our city.


Simply put, we believe that we are better together. Our networks facilitate that Kingdom vision.



Richmond City

For more information, including the next meeting date, please email: info@forrichmond.org

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Hanover County

For more information, including the next meeting date, please email: info@forrichmond.org.



Henrico County

For more information, including the next meeting date, please email: info@forrichmond.org.

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Chesterfield County

For more information, including the next meeting date, please email: info@forrichmond.org.



 Learn more about the issues affecting the Richmond region: